Jamal Simon
Production | KRT Industries
CD Style
Deliberate & methodical
Focuses on the details
Streamlines the process
Becca Warren
Production | KRT Industries
D Style
Active & skeptical
Takes action
Challenges themselves
Unlock the power of your people.
Our assessment-based learning experience helps your people better understand themselves and others—empowering them to work better together.
Personalized Insights Powered by Everything DiSC®
At Everything DiSC®, our personal development learning experience empowers organizations to ignite culture transformation. By combining self-assessments with flexible facilitation and the Catalyst™ platform, learners will experience rich “aha!” moments that inspire lasting behavior change.
When your people know themselves and others better, they can show up as their true selves in the workplace.
Each person has a unique DiSC® style—no one style is better or worse than the next. We believe that when these differences are assessed and harnessed, better communication and healthier cultures become possible.
Everything DiSC® on Catalyst™
Make a lasting culture change
Everything DiSC® is available through an Authorized Partner community of consultants, trainers, and coaches. Partners have improved thousands of organizations by helping their people work better together.
Executive Journey Coaching & Development would be honored to serve you as your Independent Authorized Wiley Everything DiSC® Partner and Service Provider.
Contact Rudy Graham at Executive Journey Coaching & Development to begin the conversation.
Bryan Oliver
Operations | KRT Industries
Si Style
Enjoys team brainstorming
Enthusiastic & social
Leonard Scott
Operations | KRT Industries
iD Style
Livens things up
Outgoing & optimistic
Drives momentum
The Everything DiSC learning experience is powered by the DiSC® personality model.
The simple, yet powerful model describes four basic personality styles:
Team Performance Solutions

Developed with Patrick Lencioni, The Five Behaviors® empowers teams to rethink their approach to teamwork and shape new behaviors—taking your teams and organization to the next level.
Introducing The Five Behaviors®
85% of The Five Behaviors® learners say it improved their team’s effectiveness.
The Five Behaviors® Personal Development
This new product was created to harness the power of The Five Behaviors® across the entire organization. The Five Behaviors® Personal Development solution teaches individuals to become better teammates by integrating Patrick Lencioni’s model at the organizational level. The goal is to completely redefine teamwork and collaboration. Personal Development was designed specifically to work for individuals; participants do not all need to be part of the same team. Rather, participants can carry the takeaways of this program from one team to the next, enabling a culture of teamwork. Learners at all levels of an organization can benefit from this program and adopt its powerful principles, shape behaviors, and create a common language that empowers people to rewrite what it means to work together.
The program includes:
A computer-adaptive, psychological assessment
Personal Development Profile and one-on-one Comparison Reports
Half-day facilitation that includes activities, and a handout.
The Five Behaviors® Team Development
This powerful virtual or in-person experience asses an intact team’s approach to teamwork
and helps team members better understand themselves and the personalities on their team
so they can effectively achieve their goals.
The result is a unique and impactful team development solution that empowers teams
to rethink their approach to teamwork, shape new, more productive behaviors to increase
productivity, and create a common language that completely redefines what it means to work together. When team members gain the interpersonal skills needed to understand how they and others contribute to their team’s development and how their part can make or break the team and its dynamic, they can work rise together.